Lawn ornaments

blue-eyed grass flowering among grasses and moss
Blue-eyed grass, Sisyrhinchium species. I suspect this is either S. angustifolium or S. mucronatum, but I am not sure which.

Many people consider blue-eyed grass to be a pesky lawn weed, but I prefer to think of it as an ornament. Despite the name, blue-eyed grass is a member of iris family, Iridaceae, not a grass. Several species invade lawns in North Carolina, and their violet flowers look great along with other flowering “weeds” like yellow-flowered false strawberry (Potentilla species).

Tiny pale blue flowers with a purple and yellow starburst at the center
Tiny Sisyrhinchium rosulatum (fairy stars, annual blue-eyed grass) is short enough that the flowers often escape the lawnmower unscathed.

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